File error codes

This section contains a comprehensive list of FILE_ERROR codes reported to the Analyst Drive Print File which can be used for troubleshooting.

1. FILE_ERROR = 0 — SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION. No errors reported (This is reported in the .PRN file upon completion).

2. FILE_ERROR = 1 — WARNING: The executable system call returned a non-zero value indicating that an error may have occurred. Check the output files to ensure proper execution. Note that this error code should only be reported to Voyager or Task Monitor, and will not be found in the Analyst Drive print file. If the Analyst Drive print file returned FILE_ERROR=0 and the output matrix file has been written, then the program completed successfully. This warning may be common on 32-bit Windows XP machines.

3. FILE_ERROR = 10 — ODTYPE ERROR. ODTYPE is not set in the control file.

4. FILE_ERROR = 11 — CLASSES ERROR. The number of user classes is not defined in the control file (old).

5. FILE_ERROR = 12 — MATRIXIN ERROR. The input matrix filename is not given in the control file.

6. FILE_ERROR = 13 — MATRIXIN ERROR. The number of matrix tabs present in input static matrix file is inconsistent with the number of user classes to be estimated provided by the NCLASSES parameter. If CONFMAT=F, there must be exactly NCLASSES matrix tabs present in the static input matrix file. If CONFMAT=T, there must be exactly 2*NCLASSES matrix tabs present in the static input matrix.

7. FILE_ERROR = 14 — MATRIXOUT ERROR. The output matrix filename is not given in the control file.

8. FILE_ERROR = 15 — MATRIX_FILE_IN ERROR. ODTYPE is set to 0 but there is no input static matrix given.

9. FILE_ERROR = 16 — MATRIX_FILE_OUT ERROR. ODTYPE is set to 0 but there is no output static matrix given.

10. FILE_ERROR = 17 — WORKDIR ERROR. The WORKDIR parameter is not set in the control file.

11. FILE_ERROR = 19 — Missing Packet Log File. When performing dynamic estimation with the GENERAL=F option, an Avenue generated packet log file is required.

12. FILE_ERROR = 20 — WORKDIR ERROR. The WORKDIR parameter does not provide a valid path OR the end directory does not have file write permissions. Make sure the path is correct and that the end directory exists (the program cannot create a directory that does not already exist). If the path is correct, make sure the directory has file write permissions.

13. FILE_ERROR = 21 — PRINT FILE ERROR. The print file name or path is not defined.

14. FILE_ERROR = 22 — PRINT FILE ERROR. The print file failed to open. Make sure the print file has been given a proper path and that it is not in use by another program.

15. FILE_ERROR = 23 — ERROR detected via print file.

16. FILE_ERROR = 24 — ICP FILE READ ERROR. The program has detected an old format ICP file. All ICP files must be in the new format as generated by the updated Highway program in Cube 6 or later.

17. FILE_ERROR = 25 — Error reading the input warm start turn choice matrix.

18. FILE_ERROR = 26 — Insufficient memory to use MEMOPT2=T option. The user should set MEMOPT2=F and try the estimation again.

19. FILE_ERROR = 29 — Error reading trip end file.

20. FILE_ERROR = 30 — pf_FileInquire Error. pf_FileInquire returned a non-zero value when accesing an input Cube Matrix file. The cause could be a corrupt matrix file or a license identification problem for tppdlibx.dll.

21. FILE_ERROR = 31 — ODTYPE ERROR. ODTYPE is not recognized (must be 0 or 1).

22. FILE_ERROR = 40 — MATREAD ERROR. There is an error reading an OD matrix into memory in the STATIC ME routine.

23. FILE_ERROR = 41 — MATREAD ERROR. Error reading an input matrix file in the main program.

24. FILE_ERROR = 43 — Incorrect number of static matrix tabs when using CONFMAT=F

25. FILE_ERROR = 44 — Incorrect number of static matrix tabs when using CONFMAT=T

26. FILE_ERROR = 50 — MATWRITE_SINGLE ERROR. There is an error writing an individual output matrix.

27. FILE_ERROR = 71 — MATREAD ERROR. Error reading a matrix output by the STATIC ME routine.

28. FILE_ERROR = 81 — MATWRITE_FINAL ERROR. Error writing the final output estimation matrix.

29. FILE_ERROR = 90 — MATWRITE_FINAL_NOCONF ERROR. Error writing the the final output matrix.

30. FILE_ERROR = 91 — MATWRITE_FINAL_NOCONFW ERROR. Error writing the final output matrix.

31. FILE_ERROR = 92 — MATWRITE_FINAL_DYNCONF Error. Error writing the final output matrix.

32. FILE_ERROR = 93 — MATWRITE_FINAL_DYNCONFW Error. Error writing the final output matrix.

33. FILE_ERROR = 98 — You are using an outdated beta or pre-release version with an expired license.

34. FILE_ERROR = 99 — The ICP file contains a header, but has no values. Check for errors and re-run Highway assignment to produce correct ICP file.

35. FILE_ERROR = 100 — Incorrect number of array entries for ICPARRAY or SLARRAY.

36. FILE_ERROR = 101 — The WORKDIR parameter is not defined. A working directory with write permissions must be assigned for intermediate files created by Analyst Drive.

37. FILE_ERROR = 102 — ANALYST2.CTL ERROR. There is a problem reading the intermediate ANALYST2.CTL control file. Check the control file for missing or incorrect information.

38. FILE_ERROR = 103 — Error opening Avenue packet log file.

39. FILE_ERROR = 104 — Error Reading NPKT value from packet log file.

40. FILE_ERROR = 105 — There are zero (or negative) count values present in a dynamic screenline file. Zero count values cannot be estimated in the dynamic version, and must be removed from the screenline file by the user. It is suggested to adjust and rerun the Avenue assignment with zero count screenlines removed, or to adjust the count to something small like 0.01 and try running Analyst again. For more information, please see “Zero count screenline values” on page 71.

41. FILE_ERROR = 106 — The number of matrix tabs in the input dynamic matrix file does not match the expected value from the input packet log file considering the CONFMAT and WARMAT options and the AGGINTRV parameter.

42. FILE_ERROR = 107 — Cannot read PKTLNG value from packet log file.

43. FILE_ERROR = 108 — Zero value count entries present in partial trip data file.

44. FILE_ERROR = 109 — Fewer than NCLASSES partial trip data input files provided.

45. FILE_ERROR = 110 — There are fewer dynamic output matrix files provided than the defined number of user classes to be estimated. The number of dynamic output matrix files provided must be equal in value to the NCLASSES parameter.

46. FILE_ERROR = 111 — There are fewer dynamic input matrix files provided than the defined number of user classes to be estimated. The number of dynamic input matrix files provided must be equal in value to the NCLASSES parameter.

47. FILE_ERROR = 112 — There are fewer turn count files provided than the defined number of user classes. When using the TRNCNTS=T option the user must provide a number of turn count files equal in value to the NCLASSES parameter.

48. FILE_ERROR = 113 — Error opening the screenline file during a file check; make sure screenline file is not corrupt or in use by another program.

49. FILE_ERROR = 114 — Attempting to use SLCODE parameter at the same time as ICPARRAY and SLARRAY.

50. FILE_ERROR = 115 — Screenline number consistency error. One or more of the aligned files given by the ICPARRAY and SLARRAY parameters have different values for the highest screenline number. When performing aggregate dynamic estimation, ICP files must contain a HIGHSL value consistent with the highest screenline number contained in the screenline file defined by the corresponding position of the parameter arrays.

51. FILE_ERROR = 121 — License check failed, make sure you have a valid Analyst Drive license and that your maintenance contract is up to date.

52. FILE_ERROR = 122 — The maximum number of zones defined in the license file has been exceeded.

53. FILE_ERROR = 124 — No nonzero screenline values in the screenline file.

54. FILE_ERROR = 190 — SIGNALQQ SIG$ABORT Error. The program was aborted.

55. FILE_ERROR = 191 — SIGNALQQ SIG$FPE Error. Floating point error.

56. FILE_ERROR = 192 — SIGNALQQ SIG$ILL Error. Illegal Instruction.

57. FILE_ERROR = 193 — SIGNALQQ SIG$INT Error. CTRL+C Event.

58. FILE_ERROR = 194 — SIGNALQQ SIG$SEGV Error. Illegal storage access.

59. FILE_ERROR = 195 — SIGNALQQ SIG$TERM Error. Termination Request.

60. FILE_ERROR = 199 — Program terminated due to a Windows system error code, either from a signal failure (AD FILE_ERRORs 190-195) or an unrelated Windows issue. This code will also be reported if the program is manually terminated by the user via a control-C event. Analyst Drive will also report a Windows System Error code to the print file.

If this code was returned when running dynamic estimation with the MEMOPT1or MEMOPT2 option, make sure the computer has enough available free memory and uncheck the option if necessary.

61. FILE_ERROR = 202 — The Analyst Drive program was denied file write access in the installation directory. Note that this error code should only be reported to Voyager or Task Monitor, and will not be found in the Analyst Drive print file.

62. FILE_ERROR = 203 — Registry Key Not Found.

63. FILE_ERROR = 301 — Missaligned data detected in program.

64. FILE_ERROR = 401 — Attempting MPI run with no MPIHOST specification. Specify host machine or set MPILOCAL=T.